
Three rules to implement in your business today

July 27, 2021

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I'm Prema!

Your business side-kick. I help overwhelmed business owners organise their businesses behind the scenes, so everything runs smoothly and they can spend more time on the things they love!


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I took advantage of the recent weekend by organising my house and assisting clients with virtually organising their businesses. It’s one of my favourite things to do to ensure everything runs really smoothly and important items/emails can be found really easily.

I have a few rules in the businesses I manage and those I assist in amazing organisation and here are just 3 you can adopt today…


Keep your inbox empty:

Say whaaaat?! I use Google Gmail for emails and you can create folders for everything. I create folders which appear on the left hand side (including a “to-do” folder for anything needing to be actioned but can’t be done on the spot). All other emails are dealt with right away and filed.


Batch your tasks:

I manage and work for many businesses so it’s super important for me to batch my tasks and track my time. I use Asana to track my tasks and time for each business and project. I use Google calendar to block out time in my calendar for different taks. An example is:

9am – 10am is checking and filing emails. 10am – 12pm social media design/upload. 12pm – 1pm: Lunch…. etc etc you get the picture. You can get super detailed within each of those too. And each day will look a little different.


Hire a coach/mentor, or get assistance from a VA:

This has been integral for me over the years to help propel me forward, inspire me with new ideas, have a cheerleader and also for incredible tips to streamline my business even more.


Happy business organising!

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